Monday 28 March 2011

ideas for evaluation

  • power point

  • video

  • voice over

  • written creatively

These are some ways i can show my evaluation i have the idea to make a creative interview in the style of a double page spread i can do this as a page like a magazine or add a voice over to it and make it creative and different.

Friday 25 March 2011


This is my double page spread about a star called Mia Egan. I decided to use four photos as i thought it needed more to attract the audience. I looked at real magazine dps to get an idea of what to do this really helped me and gave me ideas for my own. I think my double page spread came out quite well for a first attempt but i can improve it my adding a bigger interview and i could have better pictures although i do like the pictures i have already but they may be to similar.

Friday 18 March 2011

Finished Contents page

This is mt finished contents page but i feel it needs improvement after talking to my subject teacher and looking over it i still need to change things such as make the numbers of pages go in order from smallest to biggest and change horosopes as a page because it doesnt fit into my magazine. After changing these things i think the contents page will look much better are more professional.

Improved front cover

This is my improved front cover I have made the red text stand out more, moved the masthead, make MIA text bigger and moved the date and issue number. After doing this I am more confordent in how my front cover looks if i need to change anything i think it would be adding another colour around the MIA text.

Feedback: how i can improve my front cover

I had a meeting with my media teacher and we discussed how i could improve my front cover:

  1. Make my text slightly bigger i.e the masthead
  2. colour scheme doesnt stand out like most magazines do make it a bit brighter
  3. move around the text and make slightly bigger
  4. add date and website at top corner

Monday 14 March 2011

contents page first attempt

This is my finished first attempt at my contents page. In my opinion I don't like the layout of the text and think it is dull and I need to add images and more text, I also feel I need to add a picture of the editor because it lets the audience know who's talking to them and makes them feel more comfortable.

Sunday 13 March 2011

First attempt at contents page

These are the first stages of my contents page. I wanted to keep the same colour scheme as if it was differnt the audience wouldnt connect the two pages together and it wouldnt look right. I need to add a editors letter because for my magaizne i think the audience need a letter to inspire them about the magzine and feel my target audience teenage girls will expect one as many teenage girls read other magazine for example Look, Heat and Glamour all have editors letters.

I wanted to add a charts list but now i dont think it should be on the contents page and if it just had a short piece of writing like "who beat lady gaga to the top" it would make the audience want to find out the top charts.

Thursday 3 March 2011

First attempt Beat Magazine Front Cover

This is my finished first attempt at the front cover for my magazine. I like the new mast head and think it really works with the colour scheme and it stands out which is what its ment to do, but it could still be a little bigger and i will experiment on the sizes to use for it. My stapline i really like what it stands for being passionate about music but im not sure if it is in the correct place so i will also try out other places it can go. All my text needs to be bigger but the font should stay the same and the colours when i have done this i believe it will look much better.

Stages of making front cover

These are four stages of making the magazine front cover as i added more to my magazine i decided to change the masthead Beat still keeping the name but changing the font and colour.

I have chosen these colours because i want to make the feel of the magazine more sophisticated

rather than really girly, i think this will work better with my target audience bacause the age is when you are becoming more of an adult and older teens like the sophisticate look.

I decided to use a big image of the artists face because i think it draws you in and works really well and by having it so dominant it shows the artists is a main part of the first issue. I wanted to make the font stand out aswell and not fade into the background this is a weakness with my front cover and i feel it needs to be changed.

This is the photo i decided to use for my front cover. I decided to get the model to pose saying shh as it in my opinion makes someone at first glance think oh what the secret or this looks interesting. The aim of the front cover is to show a famous artist that has secrets to tell and you can find them out.