Tuesday 4 January 2011

Double page spread: Smash Hits

Smash hits double page spread on lady gaga


Main article picture
The use of pictures on this page is good as the first picture shown relates to the front cover image. They images are not exactly the same but Lady gaga's pose is similar for example her back is arched and face is facing the front. This is a positive thing as if the picture was totally different for the cover story the audience would not be able to get what they where epecting when turning to the page after seeing the front cover.

The language and title are ideal for the targeted audience as the words say 'so far'. This is a good start for the article as the audience are fans and want to hear lady gaga will go on and by saying 'so far' it indicates there is a lot more to come from lady gaga.

Another piece of text fans may like is 'here's the long, strange evolution of pops biggest nutter.' in my opinion when fans read they will get the joke and most fans would see lady gaga as a role model so by saying 'biggest nutter' they will like this as lady gaga is very out there.

The use of font is very simple and quite structured you could say boring. This can be a great thing as its completely opposite to how people see lady gaga but having something simple to look at when reading an article about the crazy life of one of the most famous pop stars and as this article calls her 'pops biggest nutter'.

This article influences my magazine as i like the idea of having artists life so far and how they got where they are now i think it is ideal for a magazine helping potential artists.

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