Wednesday 10 November 2010

Introduction to magazine


My name is Katie I have named my magazine Beat. Beat will be based on pop music and the charts with a buisness side to help people wanting to get into the music industry. The target audience will be boys and girls mainly students but an age group of 15-25. The magazine will allow people who are passionate about music to find out the latest chart toppers and have an, incite to artists journeys and how they became who they are it will also feature the latest artist fashion trends. The frequency of the magazine will be bi-weekly. This style of magazine is a workable idea because alot of people passionate about music dont get to know how the artists became who they are with interviews from the real artists it gives potential artists a chance to become who they want to be. This is also good as many teenage girls and boys like certain looks that singers and bands have the magazine will give them that look but at a much cheeper price.

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