Friday 4 February 2011

pre-lim task school mag contents page

This is my Pre-lim school magazine contents page. I decided to keep a similar colour scheme as the front cover because its title is "His and Hers" and the colours associated with a girl and a boy is pink and blue and i think these colours should be used throughout the magazine. I think my contents page is average but now i look at it comparing it to professional magazine contents pages it could be much better. This will help me when designing and making my music magazine.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Magazine Contents Page Analysis


There is one dominant image in this contents page that shows the focus of the magazine, this will be what the attracts the reader when opening the page as there is hardly any text compared to a women's magazine. The reader will like this as the targeted audience aren't very interested in reading.

the text that is on the page is in big bold letters this points out the main part of each article and the reader will find it easier to read. Making them be able to skim thought what the content of the magazine will be before buying it.

The colour used is simple and by using a white background this makes it easier to read and less fancy matching what the target audience is looking for.


From the contents page the first impression you get is its a magazine aimed for older women this is because all of the pictures are older women. This doesnt relate to the front of the magazine as it seems to be for a wide range of women this you get from the people on the front i.e kerry amd josie and katy price and cheryl cole these celebs have a fan base of a wide age group of women and alot of fans would pick up the magazine for this reason. When you open the contents page there are no pictures of the celebs on the front and they reader has to read through the contents page to find who they are looking for this is a good thing as they reader already knows the article is going to be there by the front cover but reads the titles of other pages and wants to read them too. By having the text in two different colours red being whats shown on the cover and black what else is in the magazine this helps the reader find what they are looking for. By having titles for different sections it also shows an easyer way to finding the page you want. There is an editors letter in the top right hand corner by having this it makes you feel the magazine is a bit more real and cares about the reader this is a bit possitive to get good relationship with the reader.

The layout is structured and set in a clear and simple way. By having a bold text for the title it points out exactly what the page is. The pictures are on the left and writing on the right this makes it clearer and less complicated so it doesn't confuse the reader making them not bothered to read the rest of the magazine.